Healthy Communities Program

The North Carolina Division of Public Health (DPH) uses Preventive Health and Health Services (PHHS) Block Grant funding to administer the Healthy Communities Program through the Chronic Disease and Injury (CDI) Section. The aim of this program is to reduce the burden of chronic disease and injury in North Carolina.
This funding enables county and district health departments to implement community-based interventions that address poor nutrition, physical inactivity, tobacco use, violence and unintentional injury.
All strategies implemented through the Healthy Communities Program provide opportunities for everyone in North Carolina to achieve their optimal level of health regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, geographic location, education status, disability status or sexual orientation.
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Resource - 01/13/21
Success Stories - 05/06/20
Reports - 07/08/21
Program Contacts - 04/29/22
The Healthy Communities Program is administered by the Healthy Communities Program Consultants.
Karen Stanley
Program Manager
Georgia Childs
Program Consultant
Ryan Ward
Program Consultant
Lakecia Owens
Equity Coordinator
Last Modified: 09-01-2023